Where is my nearest ALDI store located?
Please use our store locator to search for all information on ALDI store addresses.

Why don’t ALDI stores provide store phone numbers?
To streamline our operations, we want to engage with you personally. Please visit your local store with any questions you might have. To find your local store please see our Store Locator or Contact our Customer Service Department

What hours are your stores open?
Please visit our store locator webpage for all information regarding opening hours.

When will an ALDI store open near my home?
ALDI's property team is constantly on the lookout for new store locations. Once we have confirmed a new site, we advertise our new store openings on this website, in local newspapers and on-site signage.

Why can’t ALDI stores provide information on stock availability?
Our special buys™ constantly change with products being snapped up quickly, so we don't have the capacity to keep an online inventory of every product. For the most up-to-date stock information, please visit us in-store. To find your local store, please visit our store locator webpage.

Why do special items sell out so quickly? Why isn’t more stock ordered when the demand is obviously there?
Our weekly special buys™ are ordered months in advance and are intended to be on sale for one week in a bid to keep our range fresh and interesting. Some of our special buys™ sell very quickly because of reasonable pricing and high quality. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to predict which items will sell out faster, but we do our best to supply each store with sufficient stock of each product.

Register to receive our special buys™ newsletter via email here or pick up a catalogue from your nearest store.  

Why are some special items limited to one per person?
It is not ALDI's policy to limit purchases to one per customer, but in the event of unexpectedly high demands, each store does reserve the right to limit purchases to retail quantities.
Why can’t I order in bulk and re-sell?
ALDI is not a wholesaler and all products we sell are intended for our customers' personal use.

Why don’t you operate like other supermarkets in Australia?
Our business model is to be efficient and to provide you with top quality products at the lowest possible prices. In order to achieve our business objectives and serve you efficiently, we operate differently to other supermarkets.

Why does ALDI Stores advertise next week’s specials, rather than the current week?
We like to inform you of upcoming special buys™ so you can plan your purchases early. If you don't have a copy of the current catalogue, you can pick one up at your local store or register your email address and have the weekly newsletter emailed to you.

Register to receive our special buys™ newsletter via email here or pick up a catalogue from your nearest store.

What is the ALDI policy on items that have been incorrectly scanned? Are they free?
If a regular product scans at a price higher than that displayed, you are entitled to receive the first item free. All subsequent items will be charged at the lower price.

If a ‘special buys™/special' product scans at a price higher than the price displayed, ALDI will refund the difference between the scanned price and ticketed price.

Why don’t the stores have more staff on busy days?
We always endeavour to have sufficient staff members to accommodate anticipated customer levels and to ensure that we operate in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

Why won’t ALDI store staff help me carry large items to my vehicle?
We endeavour to keep our business simple and efficient so that we can pass on the savings to you. Offering such a service would add costs to our business; which we would then have to pass onto you via higher prices. As we do not have excess store staff, they cannot leave the store. When an item is over a certain weight, we will advertise the fact in our catalogue and encourage you to bring assistance to help carry the item out of the store. Each store is equipped with a trolley suitable for moving large objects which a Retail Assistant can provide to you.

Where do I find out more information about ALDI Mobile?
Please visit ALDIMobile.com.au for information or Call 2534 (ALDI) from your ALDImobile (it’s a free call) or 1300 989 000 from any other phone (normal charges apply).

Can ALDI provide assistance to a Charity, Sporting Body or Club?
From time to time ALDI receives requests for assistance from various sporting bodies, schools and charities. ALDI’s primary partner charity is Barnardo’s and at this time does not provide assistance to other charities.  If you would like further information about Barnados see: ALDI's partnership with Barnardo’s