Sunny Queen Eggs

Eggs from Sunnyside farms.

“We love our eggs from Sunny Queen farms. Our eggs from the Darling Downs region are grown on farms run by a third generation egg farming family”. Sunny Queen take pride in everything they do, from the welfare of their hens to the delicious eggs they provide to ALDI.

“We follow the Model Code of Practice, independently audited, the welfare of the animals is of paramount in all we do. Our passion, family values and love for what we do continues to drive us to keep delivering only the best quality eggs to all Australians.”

Check out some egg-citing tips and facts:

How should I fry an egg?

Use a non-stick pan and cook on medium heat. Cook until the egg white is mostly cooked through. Cooking with a frypan lid cooks the egg white through without burning the bottom and leaves the yolk sunny.

Separate eggs like an eggs-pert.

Always separate the egg over a small bowl then put the white into your mixing bowl. It is best not to separate eggs over your main mixing bowl to prevent any chance of yolk mixing with whites. Yolk contains fat which will spoil the stiff-peak effect of egg whites.

How long do fresh eggs last?

Fresh eggs can be kept refrigerated in their carton for up to six weeks from their packing date. Remember to refrigerate them as soon as you get home from the shops. Eggs age seven times quicker when left on the bench than when they are in the fridge.

Get your choline from eggs.

Choline is a little-known yet important nutrient that plays a role in brain development and function. Eggs have been found to be a major source of choline. Two eggs just provide 77% of a woman’s recommended daily intake and 59% of a man’s RDI.