Fresh Aussie Navel Oranges

There’s nothing wrong with navel gazing.

That is, if you’re staring at a delicious, ALDI fresh, Aussie Navel Orange. Filled with vitamin C, they are a great snack to ward off a winter cold.

Where do our Navel oranges come from?

ALDI’s low prices don’t reflect taste or quality. Our Navel Oranges are grown in the Riverina district of New South Wales, Mildura in Victoria and Renmark, South Australia.

Meet the farmers with a real zest for life.

‘C’ is for Kidman Way Citrus. This family owned and operated farm has been honing in on their citrus craft over the past 20 years. Based in Griffith, NSW, the cooler climate allows them to grow sweeter and more vibrantly coloured oranges. Every year Kidman Way Citrus supply over 4000 tonnes of Navel and Valencia Oranges from their Aussie farms to your mouth!

Just in time for half-time.

It’s no coincidence that Navel Oranges arrive in May. Right in the middle of footy season. They’re the unofficial half-time snack for footy players everywhere. Segmented and shared, they’ll give you an extra kick of energy to get you through a game.

What’s with the belly button?

Sometimes, the truth is really stranger than fiction. That’s not actually a belly button on your Navel Orange. It’s the orange’s twin. Every Navel Orange actually grows a second “twin” fruit opposite its stem. It remains underdeveloped, but from the outside, it resembles a human navel. Hence the name!

No seeds on the scene.

Navel Oranges are seedless…so how do they grow? Well, they grow from propagation, which is a fancy name for cutting a bit off and planting it to start a new tree. This is how Navel Oranges have spread all around the world – starting with a single tree in a monastery in Brazil, way back in the 1800s. ALDI doesn’t get oranges from Brazil, though. We get ours from local farms all over Australia!