Fresh Australian Raspberries

Wonderfully tart and wonderfully local-grown berries

ALDI raspberries are all 100% Australian grown, available all year round, in all our stores. Raspberries would have to be some of the prettiest of fruits, so it’s right they’re grown in some of the prettiest of places in the country. 

Where do our fresh raspberries come from?

Our strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries are grown in Victoria and Tasmania.

Meet the Dornauf’s from Hillwood Berries.

Hillwood Berries is a family business that’s been supplying ALDI with berries since we started in Australia and their business has grown every year since. Warm summer days, and cool nights means Tassie and particularly Hillwood is the perfect place for berries. Robin, Karen, Simon and Marcus Dornauf started with strawberries, then expanded into raspberries, blackberries and blueberries as well. This year they will harvest over 50 hectares of their little berry beauties.

Fun raspberry facts

How to pick the best raspberries in the store

Look for raspberries that are plump, slightly soft and with a deep red colour.

Pop or top.

Pop some fresh raspberries on their own or over some ice cream or yoghurt, or just top them with some cream or sugar. 

How to keep your raspberries fresh in the fridge

To keep your raspberries fresher for longer, keep them in the fridge. Just leave them in the container you bought them in, and only wash them just before you want to eat them.  

What are some raspberry recipes that I should try?

Raspberries are natures sweet toppings! Snack on some fresh raspberries on their own or serve them over some ice cream or yoghurt. If you’re looking for some more creative ways to use your fresh raspberries, check out some of our favourite raspberry recipes below.