Fresh Aussie Peaches and Nectarines
Stone fruit: grown a stone's throw from our stores.
100% of ALDI nectarines, peaches, plums and cherries are grown in Australia, as well as 70% of our apricots.. (The other 30% are grown in New Zealand – just because their season starts a bit later, meaning we can enjoy apricots here for longer.)
Where do our peaches and nectarines come from?
Our growers know all the sweetest spots to grow stone fruit – our nectarines, peaches and plums come from all over Australia, including Orange and Young in NSW. Meantime, our cherries are from the cool climate hills of Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.

Meet the team behind our stone fruit: Sunland Fresh Fruit.
Sunland Fresh Fruit from Victoria and NSW has been filling ALDI shelves with peaches, nectarines, apricots and plums since we opened in Australia – last year hitting an amazing 1 million kilograms. Their fruit is grown in Cobram, Victoria, and Boomanoomana near Barooga, NSW. They believe in taste and in tomorrow – their stone fruit is picked and ready to sell within 24 hours, and they invest in regenerative agriculture like using sustainable fertilisers, and projects protecting freshwater turtles.
Juicy nectarine and peach facts
How to store peaches and nectarines
It’s best to leave your stone fruit out on the kitchen bench, stem side down. If you want your stone fruit to ripen faster, store them in a bag or in a fruit bowl with a banana or apple. Once they start to look too ripe, pop them in the fridge. Your peaches and nectarines should last between 3-5 days in the fridge.
How to pick the perfect stone fruits.
Look for peach or nectarines with bright, saturated colours. If you want to choose a peach or nectarine that is ripe and ready to eat, give it a little squeeze check. If there is some give, then the fruit it perfectly ripe.
When is peach and nectarine season in Australia?
Stone fruits are synonymous with summer in Australia! And that’s because nectarine and peach season begins in November and runs till March. That’s a lot of warm days open to enjoying juicy sweet stone fruit!
Can you eat peach skin?
It may be furry but it’s safe and healthy to eat! Peach skin is the source of most of the fruit’s antioxidants and fibre, so be sure to eat those soft skins! Just make sure you wash your peaches before consuming.
Nectarine vs peach: what’s the difference?
In terms of looks, peaches are furry skinned where as nectarines have a smooth, fur-less skin. Flavour-wise, peaches are on the sweet and softer side, whereas nectarines are tangier and are slighter firmer to the bite.
What are the health benefits of peaches and nectarines?
These beauties also pack some essential vitamin punch. Stone fruit can help boost your immunity, create collagen, promote healthy nerves and muscles, strength bones and encourage healthy digestion.
Fresh and fruity nectarine and peach recipes
Curious to know what you can do with your stone fruit beyond enjoying them as a sweet and healthy snack? Our peach and nectarine recipes offer a sweet and savoury takes on your favourite stone fruit. From summer tarts to fruity salads, check out our nectarine and peach recipes below.