Hot Chocolate Cross Bun Trifle Recipe

How to Make Hot Chocolate Cross Bun Trifle
- Begin by making the caramel sauce, to do this, place the sugar along with the water into a saucepan and heat on a medium heat until the sugar has dissolved.
- Then increase the temperature and cook bubbling for 5 minutes, until the mixture has turned to rich caramel colour.
- Remove from heat and then stir in the 90g cream, along with butter and salt. When fully incorporated, leave to cool.
- Next make the chocolate custard. First, chop the chocolate into chunks and place into a heatproof bowl.
- Bring about an inch of water to a simmer in a saucepan. Place the heatproof bowl in the mouth of the pot, making sure the water doesn’t touch the bottom of the bowl. Stir occasionally until melted thoroughly.
- Heat the custard in a pan and stir the melted chocolate through the custard until combined and leave in the fridge to cool.
- Finally whip the cream to soft peaks and keep in the fridge until needed.
- To build the trifle, slice the hot cross buns in half and lightly grill them.
- Keep the top halves with the crosses to one side then cut the 6 bases into quarters and fill the base of the trifle dish with them.
- Pour over half of the almond extract or amaretto (optional), and then drizzle half of the caramel sauce on top of the hot cross buns.
- Next, add half of the chocolate custard on top followed by a half of the whipped cream.
- Then arrange the 6 remaining halves of hot cross buns against the edges of the trifle dish making sure that the cross side is visible.
- Drizzle the remaining amaretto over the buns (optional) and then drizzle most of the caramel sauce over the hot cross buns. Hold back a couple of tablespoons of sauce for the topping.
- Pour the rest of chocolate custard into the centre of the buns and then top with the remaining cream.
- Decorate the trifle with grated chocolate and drizzle over the caramel sauce.
- Cut 1 hot cross bun into 3 small square pieces and add to the centre of the cream. Serve immediately.