Raspberry Cream Grown Up Dessert

How to Make Raspberry Cream Grown Up Dessert
- Preheat the grill to high, put the oats onto a baking tray. Toast under the grill till lightly golden, about 3 mins.
- Whisk the cream till it holds its shape, add the sour cream, honey and the whisky and gently mix.
- Keep a little of the oats to one side for decoration.
- Add the rest of the oats to the cream mixture and mix.
- Layer the oat mixture and the raspberries in four glasses; decorate the top with a couple of raspberries and a sprinkle of the oats.
- Add some festive cheer to your Christmas desserts as you serve them to guests by sprinkling icing sugar and chocolate shavings.
- Add sprigs of mint and berries to garnish.
- Get creative and invent your own delicious Christmas desserts. Break mince pies into a bowl and add berries and chunks of chocolates and dollops of cream or ice cream, then serve.

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