ALDI’s Commitment to Reducing Plastic

Improving our packaging has always been important to us at ALDI. We are constantly continuing efforts to decrease the use of plastic packaging across our entire product range.

By 2025 our goal is that all packaging will be 100% recyclable, reusable or compostable. We are proud to say that we are on track to achieving this goal and have been working closely with our producers and manufacturers to remove plastic packaging. As of the end of 2022, we have reduced plastic packaging by 12.2%.

In our latest Sustainability Report we shared that our everyday batteries are now packaged in paper instead of plastic. That's approximately 17 tonnes of plastic waste avoided each year.

Our flow-wrap mince packaging trial has produced a 70% reduction in plastic packaging for our Jindurra Station mince. This packaging was a Finalist for the 2023 Design Innovation of the Year Award, by the Australian Institute of Packaging. 

Following collaboration with our suppliers, all Styrofoam noodle cup packaging will be phased out by late-2023, with production of new paper-based cups already underway!

Find out more below.

ALDI phases out their reusable plastic bags from all stores

We have announced the national phase out of our reusable 15c plastic bag and the introduction of a paper bag alternative, which is now available in all stores. The paper bags are Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified and 100 per cent kerbside recyclable.

This latest move offers customers a plastic-free option during their shop and will see more than 888 tonnes of plastic removed from circulation annually.

We know Aussies are continuing to make more conscious choices, and we want to continue meeting their needs. Ultimately, bringing your own bags every time you shop is the most sustainable option and we encourage customers to continue doing so. But when they can’t, our paper bags are now available. These may seem like small changes, but they all add up to making a Good Difference. 

At the register, ALDI customers will now be able to choose from the following bag options:

  • The paper bag (25c), which is 100 per cent kerbside recyclable
  • The robust Le Bag Recycle (99c), made from 80 per cent recycled material (not available in WA)
  • Cooler bag ($2.49)

We’re removing single-use and problematic plastics

The Federal Government has announced a National Plastics Plan and a number of states and territories are legislating bans on single use and problematic plastics. In 2019 ALDI prioritised the removal of plastic tableware, plastic stemmed cotton buds and plastic straws.

These items are not recyclable, are single-use and pose a threat to the environment and marine life when littered. This commitment made us market leaders and we’re pleased to see the market and government moving in a similar direction.

ALDI is saying goodbye to single-use and problematic plastics. We have removed tableware such as plastic bowls, plates, cutlery and cups from our shelves. By no longer selling plastic tableware, we have been able to save 322 tonnes of plastic from landfill each year. In place of predominantly plastic products, we have introduced a new range of plates and bowls that are made entirely of sugar cane, as well as cutlery made from birchwood.

ALDI has also prioritised the reduction or replacement of difficult to recycle black plastic packaging. Status at the end of 2022: we have removed 55.3% of black plastic packaging across our range. ALDI has also removed all microbeads from our entire beauty product range.

ALDI has never provided free-of-charge plastic carrier bags. Our reusable plastic bag, The Le Bag Recycle, is 80% recycled plastic, 60% of which is pallet wrap from ALDI warehouses. By not providing single-use carrier bags, we have saved an estimated 9.4 billion plastic bags from entering the market.

Our everyday range of standard batteries are now packaged in paper instead of plastic.That’s approximately 17 tonnes of plastic waste avoided each year;

Our flow-wrap mince packaging trial has produced a 70% reduction in plastic packaging for ALDI Jindurra Station mince. This packaging was a Finalist for the 2023 Design Innovation of the Year Award by the Australian Institute of Packaging;

In December 2021, we became the first Australian supermarket to begin replacing plastic straws on drink cartons, with paper versions. ALDI is currently in the process of rolling out juice boxes that have a paper straw, resulting in the removal of more than 40 million plastic straws a year. The roll-out to all products is due to be complete by mid 2022. 

Our cotton buds have also switched from a plastic to a paper stem. By making the change from plastic to paper, we are avoiding 357 million plastic stems from ending up in landfill each year.

Following collaboration with our suppliers, all Styrofoam noodle cup packaging will be phased out by late-2023, with production of new paper-based cups already underway.

These improvements are proof that small changes can lead to positive impacts.

To learn more about ALDI’s Packaging initiatives, read more here.

The role of Plastics in Packaging

Whilst we are actively striving to reduce our use of unnecessary plastic, we also recognise that plastic does serve an important purpose. Plastic is durable, protects products and extends their shelf life. Where plastic cannot be completely removed, ALDI focuses on reducing plastic or using recycled plastic, whilst ensuring recyclability and we encourage our customers to do the same.

We’re Rethinking our Packaging

In the space of a year, we had reduced plastics across our fresh produce by 18% since 2021. At as end of 2022, that reduction is now at 21.7%. Across the Eastern Seaboard, we have removed the plastic punnet from a select range of apples, pears, peaches and nectarines and replaced the punnet with cardboard packaging. We continue to transition to more sustainable alternatives where possible, providing no increase in food waste. 

Currently, ALDI is undertaking trials across Australia, where we are looking into introducing recyclable cardboard bread tags on a select range of our bread products. Removal of the plastic tags means less potential for litter and cardboard tags can be recycled (by putting into a used envelope). Our Sprinters chips are packaged in a cardboard outer box rather than a plastic bag. Removing the plastic bag delivers greater protection for the chips and also provides a recyclable alternative.

We have also removed the back label from a number of our 2L and 3L milk bottles. By removing these labels we have eliminated an estimated 170 tonnes of plastic annually from our fresh milk range.

Read our Making Sustainability Affordable report, documenting progress towards our ambitious sustainability goals. 


4 Tips for how you can join ALDI in reducing plastics

There are a number of ways that you can reduce your use of plastic in everyday life. Here are a few tips to help you get started and how ALDI can help you.

nude food

1. Opt for nude food

Packing ‘Nude Food’ lunches for school and work prevents the use of unnecessary plastics. When grocery shopping, choose unwrapped fresh produce, where possible. Bananas and kiwi fruit that have their own natural packaging are great Nude Food options. Go one step further and store sandwiches in an airtight, reusable lunchbox instead of a single-use sandwich bag. As part of our Special Buys™, ALDI sells a range of reusable storage containers, coffee cups, straws and beeswax wraps that make a great alternative to cling film. These items are an easy way to help you reduce your single-use plastic footprint.

reusable bag

2. Bring reusable bags when shopping

How many times have you got to the shops only to realise you don’t have your bags with you? We’ve all been there! Where possible, try to always keep a shopping bag handy in your bag or boot of the car. ALDI also has you covered with our reusable plastic bag, The Le Bag Recycle, which is made from 80% recycled plastic.

recycled plastic bottle

3. Choose packaging made from recycled plastic

At the supermarket, choose bottles and containers that are made from recycled plastic. For example, when shopping at ALDI, look out for the Green Action Dishwashing Liquid or Wool Wash, which are packaged in 100 per cent recycled plastic bottles. More recently, we also redesigned the packaging of the Tandil Ultra Dishwashing Liquid to include 30% recycled plastic packaging. Discover more products that are made from recycled materials in our Plastics and Packaging Progress Report.

single use cup

4. No excuse for single-use cups

Whilst you go about your day, drink from a reusable coffee cup instead of a single-use one. Most cafes in Australia now allow customers to bring their own cup from home to purchase take-away beverages. Feeling thirsty? ALDI also sells a number of reusable water and drink bottles throughout the year as part of our Special Buys™.

Frequently Asked Questions

In Australia, 3.5 million tonnes of plastic are consumed every year, with only 11.5% actually recovered for recycling. Reducing the use of virgin materials can prevent pollution and reduce energy usage.

Parents and students can reduce plastic in schools by choosing lunchbox items with plastic-free packaging. For example, ALDI’s juice boxes are transitioning to have a paper straw instead of a plastic one, which helps to reduce plastic waste and litter.

Say no to plastic toys and home décor and opt for items made of more sustainable materials, such as wood. In your daily routine, you could use metal razors instead of disposables. Or, why not replace your existing plastic-stemmed cotton buds with ALDI’s paper-stemmed cotton buds?

People at work or in schools can be encouraged to avoid the use of single-use plastics for their lunches. Items such as refillable water bottles, sandwich wraps and reusable cutlery are all great alternatives to plastic.