Zero Waste at Home

ALDI is committed to sending zero waste to landfill by 2025. This goal is in step with the Australian government’s ‘National Waste Policy Action Plan’, which aims to reduce the total waste generated in Australia by 10% per person and to halve the amount of organic waste sent to landfill by 2030. Our waste target is attainable, but we need your help! By making a few changes to your food habits at home, we can work together towards a future with less waste.

How you can work towards having zero home waste

The amount of food that is wasted every year across the Australian supply and consumption chains costs our economy $36.6 billion annually. To break that down even further, NSW EPA Love Food Hate Waste says that $965 per person is thrown in the bin each year. Minimising food waste in the home positively impacts the environment and our economy. Here are 7 easy tips you can try next time you’re making dinner.

1. Only buy what you need

Before heading out to do the grocery shopping, check what’s already in your fridge. Then, write a shopping list and stick to it! You’re less likely to buy more than you need if you have an action plan. Plus, your wallet will thank you later.

2. Plan your meals

Deciding in advance what you will cook for the week ahead can save time, money and the risk of food waste. Check out our recipes for some culinary inspiration.

3. Check product labels

Ensure you allow enough time to use produce before its expiry date and know the difference between:

a)   Use by: it’s got to go.

b)   Best before: NSW Food Authority advises that best before means the food is still safe to eat after the date as long as it is not damaged, deteriorated or perished. 

c) Store products close to expiry date in a visible place in your fridge or on the bench so you don’t forget about them. 

4. Perfect your portions

Sometimes, our eyes are bigger than our tummies. Avoid serving too much, so that your meal does not end up as scraps in the bin. Where possible, share leftovers with other hungry mouths in the household.

5. Freeze for later

Keeping leftovers in the freezer is a great way to make food go further for longer. Plus, you’ll thank yourself when you open the freezer door and find that dinner is already made.

6. Consider composting

Give tired veggies a new purpose by throwing them onto the garden as a nutrient-rich fertiliser. You could also invest in a worm farm for your garden or balcony. No backyard? No problem. Find out if your council offers a food scrap collection service. Or, if your local community garden has a composting bin.

7. Grow your own herbs

Herbs make dishes a lot tastier but often we only use half of what we buy, leaving the rest to go limp. Why not grow your own? A simple herb garden in the kitchen means you’ll always have fresh flavour enhancers on hand. Say goodbye to throwing out slimy coriander!

8. Make the most of leftovers

Think like a chef and get creative with what you’ve got. Have a think about how you can use as much of a product as possible. Wilted spinach? Throw it in a smoothie. Broccoli stems? Grate them and toss into a DIY pasta sauce. The possibilities are endless!

If you need a little food-spiration, check out the following ALDI recipes for common leftover hero ingredients:

Frequently Asked Questions

According to the National Food Waste Strategy Feasibility Study produced by Food Innovation Australia Limited, around 7.6 million tonnes of food are wasted each year in Australia.

More than one in five Australians do not have adequate access to food. Diverting food and non-perishable items to the food rescue sector that would otherwise go to landfill, is one use for food waste.

Along with numerous environmental ramifications, food waste also accounts for billions of dollars’ worth of human labour and countless lives of animals.

Food waste accounts for about 8% of all global greenhouse gas emissions, and uses 24% of our fresh water. It also causes deforestation and the draining of wetlands.